Mr Bloom, writer of above mentioned opinion piece for the NY Times (11-12-11), and professor of English at Yale U., spends several pages of ink using fancy words and clever historical jabs to make Mitt Romney seem to be a dangerous Mormon candidate. It's a good thing that Mr Bloom has a day job at Yale, because his opinion writing is stupid!!!
Mr Bloom spends no time in quoting what Romney has said or done, and spends all his time finding sly ways to smear Mormonism, which Bloom insinuates will attempt to rule the country, and which he says is a plutocracy (a group that rules society because of its wealth).
So the smart thing to do, if we follow Mr Bloom's logic (if you can find any of that in the drivel he spouts) is to avoid all the Republican nominees, and to vote for Obama, and his greedy socialism, his greedy bank bailouts, his greedy National Healthcare plan, and his pandering to gay activists and their greed for gay marriage and control of marriage, family, children, adoption rights, society, etc.
Let me see if I follow the logic. Mormons have never forced anyone to be a Mormon. And any Mormon who wants out of the Church is free to leave the Church. Yet the Church grows more and more worldwide. This despite the voluntary obedience to the law of tithing, a scriptural law of God that the faithful have always observed, including Abraham himself. Because Mormons pay ten percent of their income to the Church, the Church is portrayed as a corporate plutocracy of dangerous proportions--because the Church doesn't just let the likes of Mr Bloom barge into their temples, or run audits or interfere in Church government. Well that's just wacky. Just because Mr Bloom has no Church of any importance, and has NOTHING to offer anybody, he has to smear those who are actually doing something--not only doing something, but doing the will of God and prospering at it to boot.
Further, Mr Bloom leaves no Republican candidate untouched, leaving the reader with the impression that the only one left unsmeared by his attacks is Obama; therefore, Obama must be the right vote. Yet Mr Obama has done nothing for the poor of this country, and everything for the ESTABLISHED PLUTOCRACY: the socialists, the government bureaucrats, the banking and loan companies bailed out by Obama, the medical establishment, and a newcomer on the scene, the gay minority, who wants in on the action. These groups constitute the existing plutocracy, and Obama has catered to their wants. Here we are in the worst recession of this millennium, and the very ones who brought this on are getting yet more and more money and privileges to them, thanks to Obama. The banking industry flooded the country with easy loans for a decade and a half (1990-2005), and also dropped interests rate to nothing, and led the people to invest in overpriced real estate, and then the banks, under the dictatorship of the Federal Reserve, have stopped giving new loans, and now the economy is very slow, and the people are unable to repay their loans, and it just gets worse each day. And the banks who caused this financial morass have been "bailed out" with taxpayer money, even before the really big losses have started to come in!!! Did the banks use the money to begin giving new loans? No! They simply gave it to themselves!! And who do we have to thank for this National Rip-Off??? MR OBAMA!!!!
So, Mr Bloom, your wordy, clever opinion piece is totally stupid. Mr Romney doesn't stand for a plutocracy of any sort. Mr Obama is the chosen representative of the established plutocracy. A vote for Obama is a vote for the wealthy who control our government, as he has so clearly shown in the past 4 years!
But in answer to the question posed in the title, Will this election be the Mormon Breakthrough? I doubt it. There are too many stupid fools such as Mr Bloom who will not vote for Romney: stupid socialist-leaning academics and their indoctrinated students who have passed through the colleges; too many stupid minorities who like to think that it is great to have a Black President, even though Obama has done nothing to alleviate their poverty; too many stupid "Christians" who won't vote for Romney because he's a Mormon, (because Mormons reject the creeds of Christendom, which are actually a mix of Christian scripture and pagan philosophy); too many stupid gays who want gay marriage to be sanctioned by the government and forced on the rest of society. There is just enough of this stupidity to make it so Romney will not be able to attract enough votes to defeat the reigning plutocrat, Obama. So fear not, America! A trust-worthy Romney won't be the next President. America's too smart for that! The majority fools of America will insure we get another four years of plutocracy, socialism, looting by the banks, recession, socialized medicine, and gay marriage, to chase away every job, every decent person, and every honestly earned dollar. The fools are hell-bent on destroying what has taken 300+ years to build.
Oh, Woe is me! That I must watch the demolition of civilization in my country!!